As a woman, do you ever feel treated unequally? When men treat you like you’re helpless, and they don’t even notice how chauvinistic they are being.
The nuances of inequality in this world really bugs me.
You can go to as many gender equality marches that you want to, but they will never directly result in equality.
We will receive equality merely because we ask for it?
Inequality is a systematic issue, it exists in the subconscious, people are not always aware of it. Men are not always aware of how unequal they are being towards women.
It enrages me. What men can get away with in this world and as soon as women speak up, they are shunned for.
It breaks my heart sometimes to see how women are treated. Even here in Toronto, Canada, if not daily, at least weekly, I see inequalities in the work place, in daily life, in relationships.
At my work, my boss is the only male - and I wonder if that is only a coincidence.
Are women always expected to be submissive creatures?
Sometimes I catch myself being less, it’s so easy to play the helpless damsel in distress needing rescue. Are these labels acceptable or do they help to engrain inequality in society.
How can we be female and male and be unequivocally equal? Can I have a definition of what that looks like please.
Maybe it’s subjective and equality is what we want to achieve and letting nothing hinder us from our goals.
People will always put us down, men or women, maybe we are just human, maybe we just make up excuses for our mistakes. Blame it on society, on norms, on gender, on racism.
Maybe the biggest revelation is that man or women, we are always testing the waters, always pushing to see what we can get away with.
Maybe it’s not a gender problem, maybe it’s a humanity problem. Maybe we need to accept that we are all the same, filled with flaws, and that we need to be more accepting of everyone.
We are all looking for the same thing in this world. Love. Acceptance. Respect.
Maybe we should just go out into the world and speak up when we feel disrespected. And go after relentlessly after what we want.
If we show the world who we truly are, maybe we won’t fail. All we need to do is go after what we want, what we want to change, what we want this world to become. Let’s all stop complaining, and change instead.